How do I clean my wireless earbuds?

How do I clean my wireless earbuds?

you to use slightly dampened cloth and a soft, dry, lint-free cloth and cautions you against employing soaps, shampoos and solvents or running your Pods under water. For digging out the nasty bits in the microphone and speaker meshes, recommends using a dry cotton swab and a soft-bristled brush.

you can remove the ear tips and rinse them with water, according to , but without soap or other cleaning agents. then wants you to follow its general rules of using a soft, dry, lint-free cloth to wipe the ear tips clean and letting them dry completely prior to reassembly.

To kill any germs that might have hitched a ride to your Pods,  says it's OK to gently wipe the exterior surfaces (but not the speaker mesh) with a 70-percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or a Clorox disinfecting wipe. And it would be good to avoid using a wipe that is overly saturated because you don't want to get moisture in any of your Pods' openings. Lastly, no matter how grimy and disgusting your Pods may be, do not submerge them in any cleaning products.

I put  methods to the test. I tried using a Q-tip but ended up just smooshing the wax and dirt in further. I then used an old toothbrush to attempt to remove the grossness but didn't have any better results.

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