How do I keep wireless earbuds from falling out of my ears?

How do I keep wireless earbuds from falling out of my ears?

With wireless earbuds, it's important that you get the right fit so they not only stay in your ears but so they sound and perform at their best (a tight seal is crucial for optimal sound and noise canceling if the earbuds have active noise canceling). If the buds come with silicone ear tips, you should use the bud that's a little bigger rather than too small for your ear. Also, in some cases, like with the AirPods Pro, you can buy third-party foam ear tips that grip the inside of your ear better and keep your buds from falling out. Note that sometimes people have one ear shaped differently than the other, so you might use a medium tip in one ear and a large tip in the other.

The original AirPods and AirPods 2nd Generation (and now the 3rd Generation) didn't fit all ears equally well, and a lot of people complained about how they would stay securely in their ears. You can buy third-party wingtips -- sometimes called sport fins -- that lock the buds in your ears. But you have to take them off every time you use your buds because they won't fit in the case.

If you have trouble keeping earbuds in your ears, your best bet is to look for a model that includes wingtips. 

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